September 09, 2021

8 Tips For A Successful Email Campaign

Utilizing email campaigns has a multitude of benefits for your business whether it’s large or small. From customer retention to conversion, it’s important to have email as a part of your marketing strategy. So, how do you create emails that perform well and get people to convert?


Our inboxes are flooded with emails each day from work to junk to newsletters. While it seems like a bad idea to add to that noise, the average ROI for email marketing is $42 for every $1 spent. That means that you just need your email campaign to stand out. Creative content is the cornerstone of a successful email campaign to drive opens, clicks, and purchases. 


Here are 8 tips for executing a successful email marketing campaign:


  1. Identify your goal for the campaign and understand your audience.

    • Consider creating specific lists and audiences in your lists so you can target specific people with specific traits or spending habits. An understanding of your audience will also help you write copy that’s geared toward them.

  1. Plan your emails and follow-ups.

    • A/B testing, remains, drip, or funnel campaigns are all great ways to test different strategies and get multiple touchpoints with your customers. Plan the campaign out from beginning to end before creating each email. 

  1. Write click-worthy subject lines.

    • is a great resource that’s free and helps you come up with excellent headlines for your emails. 

  1. Include clear calls to action.

    • Don’t leave your audience guessing! Tell them exactly what they need to do multiple times throughout the email. Give them multiple opportunities to do what you want them to do. (Click here, buy now, get your discount code etc…)

  1. Include personalization elements.

    • Adding their name somewhere in the email makes it feel more personal and intentional. When someone sees their name they will be more drawn to engage!

  1. Include images.

    • Help your emails stand out with GIFs, images, or videos. Keep in mind that not all email clients support video streaming in the template itself, but all email clients support GIFs. You can work around the video issue by including an image with a play button overlaid that links to the web-hosted video or embed HTML5 video.

  1. Test your emails and make sure they work on all devices.

    • Remember that most people are reading emails on mobile devices. If your email doesn’t work on a mobile device, it’s very unlikely to perform well. 

  1. Monitor your metrics.

    • Pay attention to what’s working and what isn’t. Did one subject line perform better than another? Did one discount seem more appealing than the other option? Test out your send times and days too!


If your business is looking to create a powerful email marketing campaign, AirTank can help! Get in touch with us to help create a strategy that will convert. 

December 22, 2023
Check out our latest webinar "2024 Trends and Predictions." We cover several topics based on our research, client conversations, and additional insight as we head into the New Year.