November 08, 2021

chiefmartec: Commerce is the latest (renewed) frontier in martech, putting the revenue in RevOps

eCommerce has been in the news a lot since the Pandemic and it is here to stay. According to The 2021/22 Martech Report Digital Commerce Platforms are the number one need for businesses in the next 12 months. It was 9 points higher than the second choice, Digital Experience Platform (DXP). This trend is driven not only by consumer and business demands but also by the fact that digital commerce platforms have evolved significantly bringing the flexibility and capabilities way up and the cost of ownership way down. 

This isn’t just a B2C trend. The same report suggests that 37% of B2B transactions will happen online by 2023 up 12 points from today. These trends align very closely with what we are seeing at AirTank. Our customers are asking for modern applications that are Cloud-Native, API-First, and increase speed and flexibility for their business while reducing friction for their customers. Read more about this report HERE.


December 22, 2023
Check out our latest webinar "2024 Trends and Predictions." We cover several topics based on our research, client conversations, and additional insight as we head into the New Year.