October 18, 2018

Getting Started with SEO Keyword Research


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a critical part of any inbound marketing strategy. If people can’t find you in their online searches, chances are they’ll find one of your competitors instead. 

There’s quite a bit involved in developing and executing a comprehensive SEO strategy, but it all starts with keyword research.

The goal of today’s blog post is to empower you to conduct some initial keyword research of your own.


What is a keyword?

When we talk about SEO, keywords are defined as relevant words and phrases to include in your content that help people find your website—specifically via search engines. 

There are three major types of keywords to know about: head, body and long tail. Head keywords are one to two generic words with a high search volume, long tail keywords are highly specific phrases with three or more words and body keywords fall somewhere in the middle.

Long tail keywords have the least competition, providing opportunities for smaller brands to establish themselves on the front pages of searches. Long tail keywords also have the highest conversion rate, bringing in the most qualified leads to your website. 

Keywords, once identified, should be incorporated throughout your website and all your online content.


Conducting Keyword Research 

So, where do you begin with keyword research? Here are some actionable first steps to get you started. 

  • Brainstorm ideas. You know your brand, your products and your audience better than anyone, so the best place to start is with your own knowledge. Think about what people might search for when trying to find your website, and create a list of ideas.

  • Research related search terms. Once you have a list of initial keywords, plug them into Google and see what else pops up in the related searches. You may come across keyword terms and phrases that you hadn’t thought of.

  • Use a keyword research tool. Luckily, there are plenty of keyword research tools out there that can aid you in the process of keyword research. A keyword research tool is a great way to analyze factors such as search volume, ranking difficulty and competition. These factors will help you narrow down your keyword list to those that can provide the most value. 


As you may have noticed by now, figuring out SEO can be complicated. Conducting keyword research is just one of many steps in developing a successful SEO strategy.

Reach out to AirTank to find out how our SEO services put you ahead of the competition.



December 22, 2023
Check out our latest webinar "2024 Trends and Predictions." We cover several topics based on our research, client conversations, and additional insight as we head into the New Year.