December 26, 2018

How (and Why) to Build Transparency with Customers


You’ve been hearing more and more about the need for businesses to be transparent with their customers. This need for transparency in business has grown exponentially in recent years due to the expansion of social media and online ratings and reviews. And with more Americans than ever showing a distrust in corporations, now is the time for improving your level of transparency. In fact, according to a study by Label Insight, almost three in four consumers (73%) say they would be willing to pay more for a product that offers complete transparency in all attributes.

Here are some tips to help build transparency in business.


Provide timely responses. There are many ways to communicate with your customers - social media, website, phone, and email - but no matter which way you choose to communicate, make sure you are providing timely responses to inquiries. Keeping an open line of communication builds trust quickly.


Be upfront. Has your company made a mistake? An update? A change? Keep your customers informed on all matters before they come asking.


Deliver what you promise. Customers can lose faith quickly when a business or product does not deliver what was expected. Don’t oversell your products, instead create realistic expectations you can stick to.


Say thank you. Create a positive buying experience for your customers by saying thank you. Showing sincere appreciation is a simple way to engage customers and build a closer relationship.


Making your business more transparent can seem daunting at first, but help is always available. Contact AirTank today to learn how we can help!



December 22, 2023
Check out our latest webinar "2024 Trends and Predictions." We cover several topics based on our research, client conversations, and additional insight as we head into the New Year.