September 27, 2018

How to Make Facebook Marketing Work for Your Business


Chances are if you’re an adult living in the United States, you’re probably on Facebook. But as you know, using a social media platform for personal reasons is a lot different than using it for business. 

Before you dive in too deep, check out these tips for developing a successful Facebook strategy.


Set realistic goals. 

Businesses shouldn’t approach any channel without specific goals in mind, and Facebook is certainly no exception. Take some time to figure out what it is you want out of your Facebook marketing. Are you simply looking to expand brand awareness, or is it engagement you’re going after? Once you determine your goals, you can build your Facebook strategy around them.


Create a content calendar.

Posting consistent, brand-aligned content on Facebook requires a bit of upfront planning. We recommend creating a content calendar where you can outline all posts for the upcoming week. This is a great way to get into a steady routine while making sure that there’s enough variance in your posts. 


Invest in Facebook ads.

To get the most out of your Facebook strategy, start experimenting with Facebook ads. We get it, many small businesses are turned off by the idea of investing in another paid advertising channel. But the great thing about Facebook is that you can start low at just $5/day and then gradually scale up. Facebook ads are easy to set up, plus you have the opportunity to really narrow in on a specific audience. 


Analyze and modify. 

As with any marketing strategy, it’s important to track and analyze regularly so that you can identify what’s working and what needs to be optimized. Which type of content has the largest reach? Is there a certain time of day that you see the most engagement? Answering these and other key questions will help you continuously improve your Facebook strategy over time.


The bottom line is that for Facebook marketing to work, businesses must dedicate time and resources to making it happen.

If you need help getting off the ground, we’re here to help. Contact AirTank today to learn more about our social media marketing services.



December 22, 2023
Check out our latest webinar "2024 Trends and Predictions." We cover several topics based on our research, client conversations, and additional insight as we head into the New Year.