September 03, 2018

4 Reasons Your Items Aren’t Selling on Amazon


A few weeks ago, we went over all the incredible benefits of selling on Amazon. But what happens if you get your Amazon account up and running only to find that sales aren’t moving as quickly as you anticipated?

Problems selling on Amazon can usually be attributed to a few key factors. Here are some mistakes you could be making—and how you can fix them.

1. You’re not visible enough.

Just like with Google, your search ranking matters on Amazon. If shoppers don’t see your products on the first page of Amazon search results, you’re probably going to lose that sale.

There are a couple simple ways to increase visibility on Amazon, and they both involve utilizing keywords. First, be sure to fill out the Keywords section of each listing, where you can include Search Terms, Subject Matter and your Target Audience. Then, incorporate your keywords directly into your titles, product descriptions and key product features.

2. Your product page is insufficient.

Unlike in brick-and-mortar stores where shoppers can touch and see products for themselves, Amazon customers rely heavily on images and product descriptions. Are you providing everything your customers need to know to feel comfortable making a purchase? The more comprehensive you can be, the better.

3. You’re not optimizing your listings regularly.

As nice as it would be to just create your listings and be done with it, that’s not a very strategic approach. Once you begin selling more on Amazon, you’ll start noticing key trends and takeaways. For example, if certain ads perform better than others, that’s a perfect opportunity to re-think your Amazon keyword strategy. Another good example of this is customer reviews and questions. Keep track of what your customers are saying. If the same question keeps popping up, update your listing to provide that information.

4. Your fulfillment is slow and unreliable.

Think about your own behaviors on Amazon when you’re the customer. When you notice that an item will take forever to reach you, you may look for a different seller, right? Amazon customers expect fast shipping times and inexpensive shipping costs. Sellers that are too slow or costly will miss out on sales.

Are you having problems selling on Amazon?

AirTank’s Amazon experts know what it takes to increase your Amazon sales. Contact us today to learn more.



December 22, 2023
Check out our latest webinar "2024 Trends and Predictions." We cover several topics based on our research, client conversations, and additional insight as we head into the New Year.