October 25, 2018

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Small Business


As a small business, you have to be strategic about where you spend your time and resources. That means you simply might not have the bandwidth to focus on every social media platform—and that’s okay!

Here’s a quick breakdown of five of the most popular social media platforms for business, including why you may (or may not) want to be using them.



If you’re just getting started with social media platforms for business, Facebook is the best place to be. With 1.47 billion active users on a daily basis, it remains the number one social media behemoth. No matter what your initial goals are, there are almost always ways to achieve them on Facebook—particularly through the platform’s superb advertising platform. (Tip: For more on Facebook, check out our blog post, How to Make Facebook Marketing Work for Your Business).



Is the idea of spending money on social media advertising campaigns giving you pause? That’s understandable. While Facebook provides an excellent opportunity for paid advertising, Instagram is a great way to grow your reach organically (i.e. without spending ad dollars). Instagram’s evolving platform includes excellent tools for promoting your business. Just make sure you have plenty of compelling visuals to share, since images and videos are everything on Instagram.



Twitter has been around forever (in social media terms, anyway), but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best use of time and resources for every business. Twitter can be an excellent platform for sharing content like blog posts and providing real-time customer service, but the user base tends to be more tech-savvy. Small businesses should develop a brand presence on Twitter if they can, but not at the expense of Facebook and Instagram.



Generally speaking, YouTube should really only be an investment for your small business if you have the kind of content that makes sense for it. Your real-time, topical videos can go on Facebook or Instagram, but if you have more evergreen video content, you might want to consider YouTube. It’s also a great place to store any educational or how-to videos.



As more of a business-focused social media platform, LinkedIn typically has very specific use cases for small businesses. In the B2C space, it’s used less for connecting with customers and more for establishing your brand as an industry leader and recruiting talented folks to help you grow your business. 


Still feeling lost in the sea of social media platforms for business? We’re here to help steer you in the right direction.

Contact AirTank today to learn more about which social media platforms will help you achieve your business goals.



December 22, 2023
Check out our latest webinar "2024 Trends and Predictions." We cover several topics based on our research, client conversations, and additional insight as we head into the New Year.