October 04, 2018

Pros and Cons of Selling on eBay


Whether you’re a small business just getting off the ground or an established brand looking to grow online sales, selling on eBay can be hugely successful. But as with any new opportunity, it’s always smart to consider the pros and cons before diving in.

Here’s what you should know. 


Pros of Selling on eBay

  • Quick & Easy Setup – The eBay platform is already there, just waiting for you to sign up, establish your storefront and begin selling. With such an easy setup, few resources are required to get your business moving.
  • Plenty of Shoppers – Chances are good that your target audience is among the 171 million active eBay users. Like the Amazon marketplace, eBay has an established base of customers who are there looking to make purchases.
  • Excellent Seller Protection  As eBay puts it, “we strive to help all our sellers be successful on eBay, so we've put a range of protections in place so you can sell with confidence.” Essentially this means that eBay prioritizes making sure you get paid and challenging sketchy money back guarantee cases.


Cons of Selling on eBay

  • eBay Selling Fees – Unfortunately, fees are just one of the realities of selling on eBay (or most other marketplaces, for that matter). eBay charges both insertion fees and final value fees. You can learn more about those fees here.
  • Cheap Customers – eBay tends to attract bargain shoppers who come to the site looking for a cheap deal. That, combined with the large volume of sellers, means that businesses must be prepared to list competitive prices.
  • Branding Limitations – One of the downsides to eBay’s quick and easy setup is that there isn’t much room for customization. This can make it difficult to establish your brand when you begin selling on eBay.


Still trying to figure out if eBay is the right opportunity for your business? We’re here to help.

Contact AirTank today to set up a free consultation with our marketplace specialists.



December 22, 2023
Check out our latest webinar "2024 Trends and Predictions." We cover several topics based on our research, client conversations, and additional insight as we head into the New Year.